J206 Kuruṅgamiga Jātaka


本生经206: 羚鹿本生

绘图/ 许瀞丰
设计/ 王宗使
复述/ 卓佳萱

The Woodpecker, Tortoise and Antelope

Jātaka 206: Kuruṅgamiga Jātaka
How a woodpecker and tortoise rescued their friend, the antelope deer from a trap.

Readability level: Intermediate I
Illustrated by Khor Jing Feng
Designed by Ong Chong Sai
Retold by Chok Jia Xuan
Proofread by Chan Zhi Hong

来吧,乌龟!” —— 导师佛陀住在竹林精舍(Veḷuvana)时,因为提婆达多而说了这首偈颂。当时,导师听到提婆达多打算杀害他的消息。
Come, tortoise!” – This was spoken by Buddha, the Teacher while he was staying at Veḷuvana about Devadatta. At that time, the Teacher heard the news that Devadatta was planning to kill Him.

The Teacher said, “Bhikkhus, it is not only now, but even in the past Devadatta tried to kill me.”

Upon being invited by the bhikkhus, the Teacher told the hidden cause of the past.


In the past, the Bodhisatta was reborn as an antelope deer. He lived in a forest with his two friends: a woodpecker and a tortoise.

One day, a hunter set up a strong trap made of leather at the edge of the lake in order to catch the antelope deer and went away.

Later that night, the Bodhisatta got caught in the trap when he was trying to drink water from the lake.

He shouted for help.

The woodpecker flew down from the treetop. The tortoise came out of the water and asked what to do.

The woodpecker said, “Come, tortoise! You have teeth, please bite the trap until it breaks. I will look for the hunter and keep him away. If we both do our best, our friend will stay alive.”

At dawn, the hunter came out of his house with a knife in his hand. When the woodpecker saw him, he made a cry, flapped his wings and attacked the hunter in the face.

“Bad luck, attacked by a bird!”

The hunter turned back into his house and rested for a little while. Then he rose up again and took his knife.

He thought, “When I went out using the front door, I met the bad bird. Now I should go out using the back door.”

The clever woodpecker thought to himself, “The first time he went out by the front door, so now he will leave by the back.”

As soon as the hunter stepped out of his back door, the woodpecker cried again and attacked him.

“This unlucky bird will not let me go!”

The hunter turned back and rested until sunrise. Then he took his knife and started to head out again.

The woodpecker quickly went back to warn his friends.

He cried, “The hunter is coming!”

By this time, the tortoise had nearly bitten through the trap.

The leather was so hard that the tortoise thought his teeth were going to fall out and his mouth was covered with blood.

When they saw the hunter coming, the Bodhisatta burst the last strap and entered into the woods to hide. The woodpecker flew to his treetop, but the tortoise was too weak to move.

The hunter threw the tortoise into a bag and tied it to a tree.

“哈哈,我抓到你了!” 猎人说。
“Haha, I got you!” said the hunter.

The Bodhisatta saw his friend being caught by the hunter. He decided to save him.

“不好了!我要救乌龟!” 。
“Oh no! I have to save the tortoise!”

The Bodhisatta walked out of the woods and let the hunter see him as though he was weak.

The hunter took out his knife and chased after the Bodhisatta.

The Bodhisatta then led him into the deep forest.

When the Bodhisatta saw that they had gone far into the forest, he left his footprint there, but went another way, disappearing like the wind.

The Bodhisatta lifted the bag with his horns and put it on the ground. He tore the bag open to let the tortoise out.

The Bodhisatta said to the tortoise and the woodpecker, “Both of you have saved my life, and you have done a friend’s part to me. Now, the hunter might find us. So, my friend the woodpecker, you should fly away with your family. And you, my friend the tortoise, dive into the water.”

The Bodhisatta hid in the forest.

The hunter came back, but he saw none of them, only his torn bag.

He picked it up, and went home sadly.

The three friends lived their life in unbroken trust.

Then, they passed away according to their kamma.


The Dhamma-teaching ended and the Teacher showed the connection between the previous birth and the present as follows, “At that time, Devadatta was the hunter, Sāriputta was the woodpecker, Moggallāna was the tortoise, and I myself was the antelope deer.”


省思 Reflection

患难中的情谊—— 佛陀与其弟子,不只是这一世患难见真情的朋友,在无始以来的过去世,他们已是互相提升,互助互利的善友。


Friendship in adversity —— The Buddha and his disciples are not just friends in need; they are friends indeed. But in many past lives, they have been wholesome friends who have promoted each other and helped each other for mutual benefit.

A good friendship is to improve each other, to be good, and to move towards purity and happiness together.
